Construction Indonesia 2023
Joining the Construction Indonesia exhibition feels like a homecoming! 🏠🇮🇩
Meeting our existing customers in person is a true delight, and it's also a gateway to expanding our business beyond horizons. Together, we're building bridges and reaching new heights!
In frame:
1st pic: Salesperson team, Ms Ann-Melia & Ms Aisyah at our booth
2nd pic: Our General Manager, Ms Ann-Melia with the Director of PT. OPTIMAL TATA MANDIRI, Pak Tonny
#Avialite #ThinkInANewLight #IlluminationThroughImagination #ObstructionLight #LEDAviationObstructionBeacon #LEDLight #AviationLight #CI2023 #constructionindonesia #IndonesiaExpo #AvialiteExpo